
iPhone App Development vs. Android App Development: Pros and Cons

June 12, 2024 Admin Mobile App Development

In the ever-evolving world of mobile technology, app development has become a crucial component for businesses and entrepreneurs looking to reach a wider audience. With the dominance of two major operating systems—iOS and Android—developers often find themselves at a crossroads when deciding which platform to focus on. Both iPhone and Android app development come with their own set of advantages and challenges. In this blog, we will delve into the pros and cons of each platform to help you make an informed decision for your next app development project.

Deciding between Android and iOS app development involves considering factors like business requirements, target market, operational regions, development time, budget, and maintenance. iOS is ideal for high-income markets such as the USA and Japan, offering higher revenue potential and better app quality, but comes with higher development costs and a smaller market share. Android, dominating the global market, is suitable for reaching a broader, more diverse audience, particularly in emerging markets, and offers lower development costs and greater customization options. However, it faces challenges like fragmentation and security concerns. A dual-platform strategy may maximize reach and impact.

Android vs. iOS App: Market Share

When deciding between Android and iOS app development, understanding the market share of each platform is crucial. Here’s a closer look at the market share of Android and iOS to help guide your decision:

Also Read: iPhone App Development vs. Android App Development: Pros and Cons

Global Market Share


  • Dominant Global Presence: Android holds the largest share of the global mobile operating system market. As of 2024, Android accounts for approximately 72% of the global market.
  • Popularity in Emerging Markets: Android’s affordability and wide range of device options make it the preferred choice in many emerging markets, including countries in Asia, Africa, and South America.


  • Strong in Developed Markets: iOS holds a significant share in developed markets. In the United States, for example, iOS accounts for about 57% of the market share, while in Japan, it’s around 70%.
  • Premium Segment: iOS dominates the premium segment of the smartphone market, with a strong presence among high-income users.

iPhone App Development


  • High Revenue Potential: iOS users are known to spend more on apps and in-app purchases compared to Android users. This can be attributed to the higher average income of iPhone users and their willingness to pay for quality apps. Consequently, iOS developers often see higher revenue from their apps.
  • Better App Quality and User Experience: Apple is renowned for its stringent quality standards and guidelines. Apps on the App Store are thoroughly reviewed, ensuring they meet high standards of performance, design, and functionality. This results in a better overall user experience and higher app quality.
  • Faster and More Reliable Updates: Apple’s control over both hardware and software allows for seamless and timely updates. When a new iOS version is released, it quickly reaches a significant portion of users, ensuring that developers can leverage the latest features and security enhancements without worrying about compatibility issues.
  • Loyal User Base: iPhone users tend to be highly loyal to the brand, often upgrading to the latest models. This loyalty translates into a stable and consistent user base for iOS apps, which is beneficial for long-term app success.
  • Enhanced Security: iOS is known for its robust security measures. Apple’s closed ecosystem, regular updates, and stringent app review process minimize the risk of malware and other security threats, providing a safer environment for users and developers.


  • High Development Costs: Developing an iOS app can be more expensive due to the need for specialized hardware (Mac computers) and software (Xcode). Additionally, the cost of hiring experienced iOS developers is generally higher compared to Android developers.
  • Longer App Review Process: While Apple’s app review process ensures high-quality apps, it can also be time-consuming. Developers may face delays in getting their apps approved, especially if the app does not meet Apple’s strict guidelines on the first submission. Limited Customization: Apple’s closed ecosystem limits the level of customization available to developers. Unlike Android, iOS offers less flexibility in terms of user interface customization and access to certain system-level features. Smaller Market Share: Although iPhone users are more affluent, iOS holds a smaller global market share compared to Android. This means that iOS apps may reach a smaller audience, particularly in regions where Android dominates.

Android App Development


  • Wider Audience: Android holds the largest global market share, with a presence in virtually every country. Developing for Android allows access to a broader and more diverse audience, which can be particularly advantageous for apps targeting emerging markets.
  • Lower Development Costs: Developing an Android app can be more cost-effective due to the availability of free development tools like Android Studio and the lower cost of hiring Android developers. Additionally, developers can use a variety of hardware for development, reducing overall expenses.
  • Greater Customization: Android’s open-source nature offers developers a higher degree of customization. This flexibility allows for more innovative app features and user interface designs, catering to specific user needs and preferences.
  • Faster Approval Process: The Google Play Store has a less stringent app review process compared to Apple’s App Store. This results in faster app approvals and the ability to quickly release updates and bug fixes.
  • Integration with Google Services: Android’s seamless integration with Google services like Maps, Drive, and Search provides developers with powerful tools to enhance app functionality and user experience.


  • Fragmentation: Android’s wide range of devices and operating system versions can lead to fragmentation. Developers need to ensure their apps are compatible with various screen sizes, resolutions, and OS versions, which can be time-consuming and challenging.
  • Lower Revenue Potential: Despite having a larger user base, Android users tend to spend less on apps and in-app purchases compared to iOS users. This can impact the overall revenue potential for Android apps, particularly those relying on direct sales or in-app purchases.
  • Security Concerns: The open nature of Android and its less stringent app review process can result in security vulnerabilities. The Google Play Store is more susceptible to malware and malicious apps, posing potential risks to users and developers.
  • Slower Adoption of New OS Versions: Unlike iOS, where updates are quickly adopted, Android users tend to lag in updating to the latest OS versions. This can create challenges for developers wanting to leverage new features and ensure compatibility across different devices.


Choosing between iPhone and Android app development ultimately depends on your target audience, budget, and specific project requirements. iPhone app development offers high revenue potential, better app quality, and enhanced security, making it ideal for premium apps targeting affluent users. However, it comes with higher development costs and a smaller market share.

On the other hand, Android app development provides access to a broader audience, lower development costs, and greater customization options. While it faces challenges like fragmentation and security concerns, its advantages make it suitable for apps targeting a diverse and global user base.

For businesses and entrepreneurs, a thorough analysis of these pros and cons, along with a clear understanding of the target market, will help in making an informed decision. In many cases, a dual-platform strategy might be the best approach, allowing you to leverage the strengths of both iOS and Android to maximize reach and impact.

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The main differences lie in development costs, user demographics, market share, customization options, and revenue potential. iPhone apps typically cater to high-income markets and offer better security, while Android apps reach a broader global audience and offer greater customization.
Android app development is generally more cost-effective due to the availability of free development tools and lower hiring costs for developers. iOS development requires specialized hardware and software, making it more expensive.
Android holds a larger global market share, especially in emerging markets, making it ideal for reaching a wide audience. iOS, however, has a significant share in developed markets and high-income user segments, which can translate to higher revenue per user.
iOS apps tend to generate higher revenue per user through in-app purchases and subscriptions due to the higher spending power of iPhone users. Android apps, with their larger user base, often rely more on ad revenue and the freemium model.
Developing for both platforms allows a business to maximize its reach and leverage the strengths of each. This dual-platform strategy ensures access to both high-income users and a broad global audience, enhancing overall impact and revenue potential.

Author's Bio

Vinay Jain Grepix Infotech
Vinay Jain

Vinay Jain is the Founder at Grepix Infotech and brings over 12 years of entrepreneurial experience. His focus revolves around software & business development and customer satisfaction.

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